A Little About Me

I am a lover of creative expression. There are so many inspiring artists, places, people...there is beauty all around. It is such a joy to capture emotions with a bit of a flare in a photo that will be cherished. I highly recommend photography as a creative outlet to anyone.

**Also, thank you so much to all the great photographers out there as well as my incredible models that have and will continue to inspire me.**

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine Minis 2014

I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentines Day this year!

I've decided that pictures are my new most favorite decoration!! What better holiday accent then the cute faces of those you love....right??  

We had a great time with our mini shoots. 
Here are just a few of my favorites...


I know that these pictures will bring a lot of happiness to these families and the ones they love for many years to come.

Thank you all so much for your support!  I really appreciate it.  :0)

.....stay tuned for info coming soon for my next mini shoot.....

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