A Little About Me

I am a lover of creative expression. There are so many inspiring artists, places, people...there is beauty all around. It is such a joy to capture emotions with a bit of a flare in a photo that will be cherished. I highly recommend photography as a creative outlet to anyone.

**Also, thank you so much to all the great photographers out there as well as my incredible models that have and will continue to inspire me.**

Monday, November 14, 2011

First family pictures!

Such a cute little guy! He was a trooper.
Even though he had to have EVERYTHING on him changed mid-shoot...these guys still got so many great pictures!

Congrats again you guys!! You've already got this parenting thing down.
Your family is so adorable. :0)

1 comment:

  1. Rachelle, you're amazing. Your creativity never ceases to surprise me in every positive way possible! Thank you again, so much you once again totally blew us out of the water!
